GET IN TOUCH Gemma, The Wardette StudioEMAIL: GEMMA@THEWARDETTESTUDIO.COM TAKE ME TO THE BLOG WHAT DO YOUR CLIENTS SAY? I'M AN UNASHAMED ROMANTIC, AND AN OVER-EXCITED CREATIVE. I ALSO LOVE TO CHAT.SO LET'S... So, what's your name? * First Name Last Name And your wonderful other half? (for weddings) First Name Last Name Best email I can contact you on would be... * What kinds of awesome photos are we talking about here? * WEDDING MATERNITY FAMILY OTHER (If applicable) When is this brilliant wedding happening? (Note month is written first, then day then year) * MM DD YYYY And where exactly is this happening? If we're talking about a wedding here, let's get to the fun stuff! Tell me all about your wedding – the overall vibes, details, and dreams for your big day. The more information the better, so spill the beans! * If you don't mind me asking.. How did you find me? * With so many email issues occurring atm, please feel free to leave your phone number. I will be using it to let you know I have replied to your enquiry. (All client and enquiry data is protected) Thank you!